Source: Claridad, translation Resumen Latinoamericano, North America bureau
This comprehensive article on contemporary Puerto Rico was written just before a devastating 6.4 earthquake hit Puerto Rico on January 7 knocking out power to a half-million people and leaving thousands homeless. Trump, however, didn’t even blink as he pushed … Läs mer “10/1 – Puerto Rico: Three Years for History ”
The day after this article was written worldwide demonstrations took place condemning the assassination of General Soleimani and Washington’s rush towards world war, including in over 70 cities in the US.
VENEZUELA: Oljeutvinningen i december var den högsta sen årsskiftet. Men med 2020 runt hörnet står president Maduro inför nya utmaningar efter att ha klarat av flera hinder under de senaste 12 månaderna – fått ner inflationen, ökat exporten och kunna betala skulder.
Midt i fleisen – Søkelys på krigsindustrien og andre problemer
Årets vinner 2019: Rustningsindustrien
Av Albrecht Müller (perspektiv fra Tyskland)
Regnskapet ved nyttår er dystert i år. Det militærindustrielle komplekset og militæret vant soleklart, med flere angrep som nesten slo knockout på alle som er bekymret for freden. Selv om vi ønsker å spre håp, er nøkternhet passende … Läs mer “6/1 – Årets vinner 2019: Rustningsindustrien”
Oskar Lafontaine, tidigare ordförande för de tyska Socialdemokraterna och inrikesminister i Tyskland, senare även ledare inom vänsterpartiet die Linke, kräver i ett inlägg på Facebook att USA:s militärbaser i Tyskland ska stängas. eFOLKET återger här en översättning till norska av Lafontaines text, som har publicerats på bloggen Mitt i Fleisen:
Today, the government of Colombia is being artificially supported, and while time passes on without a break, the elite, the traditional parties and their host of professional politicians, hastily whipped up their speeches and authorize the illegitimate violence of the State to confront the people; police, army, undercover structures, the media, … Läs mer “26/12 – Colombia: It’s not Polarization, It’s an Uprising!”
Intervju med Michail Gorbatjov om kampen mot atomvapen
Hämtad från
Samtidig som Trump-administrasjonen trekker seg fra en nøkkelavtale om atomvåpen og til og med vurderer bruken av små atomvåpen, ønsker Mikhail Gorbatsjov, tidligere leder i Sovjetunionen, å strekke ut en ånd til USA for dialog.
November’s coup in Bolivia is just the latest episode in the right-wing resurgence across Latin America. In this article, William I. Robinson looks at the deeper structural causes for the retreat in the Pink Tide, and the hopes for a socialist renewal in the region.
Publicerad på norska på bloggen Midt i Fleisen. med velvillig tillatelse fra Investig’action.
For femti år siden, den 12. desember 1969, eksploderte en bombe i en bank som ligger ved Fontana-torget, i sentrum av Milano. Bombingen, som etterlot sytten døde og flere titalls sårede, ble fulgt av tre andre eksplosjoner i Roma i løpet av bare en … Läs mer “18/12 – Fascistisk terrorisme i elitenes tjeneste”
By Alicia Jrapko and Bill Hackwell on December 16, 2019
Resumen Latinamericano and the Third World
Celebration upon the release of the Cuban 5 in Washington DC. Photo: Bill Hackwell
Five years ago tomorrow, in near disbelief, we watched on television as the Cuban Five were released from US prisons and flown home after a 16 year struggle. … Läs mer “16/12 – The Freedom of the Cuban Five Will Never be Reversed ”
Global research – America’s Enemies, Who’s On the List? (16 November)
Prospects and Perspectives
For almost 2 decades, the US pursued a list of ‘enemy countries’ to confront, attack, weaken and overthrow.
This imperial quest to overthrow ‘enemy countries’ operated at various levels of intensity, depending on two considerations: the level of priority and the degree of vulnerability … Läs mer “27/11 – Americas Enemies, Who’s On the List?”
On November 18, which is a holiday in Argentina, thousands of people occupied the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires against the coup d’état in Bolivia and in solidarity with the Chilean people, paying tribute to the victims and the resistance of the people, while evidence and … Läs mer “20/11 – Macri and the US Involvement in the Bolivian Coup Starting to Emerge”
Government sources have confirmed with Granma that the first group of the more than 700 Cuban medical professionals who provided medical attention in the Plurinational State of Bolivia, are returning to their homeland from the city of Santa Cruz, in a Cubana airliner.
On Tuesday Chile experienced one of the most complex days since the beginning of the social outburst that began almost a month ago. The general strike called for this day included multiple incidents, repression, barricades and fires in different regions of the country, as well as another death to increase the … Läs mer “13/11 – Chile: A Day in Which the Fury against Piñera Became Evident”
A wide range of sectors joined the strike as port, agro-industrial, commercial, banking, health, and public services workers, as well as teachers and students.
About 129 organizations adhered to the general strike Tuesday, as hundreds of thousands of Chileans across the country took to the streets in the biggest demonstration since the beginning of the anti-neoliberalism protests.
Dagsaktuell artikel (2019-11-10) publicerad av Telesur (teleSUR English).
Morales also called for calm and peace amid opposition protests and mobilizations, which have turned violent, against his victory in the Oct. 20 elections.
Thanks to the efforts of climate activists, the climate and ecological emergency has never been more prominent. But acknowledging the problem is just a starting point. Now this momentum must be harnessed to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reverse habitat destruction.
Having sent growing numbers of troops into eastern Syria explicitly to control the oil, President Trump now says he is seeking a deal with Exxon Mobil or “one of our great companies” to go into occupied Syria and take the oil.
Published on Tuesday, October 29, 2019 by Common Dreams
“This is in response to the will and demand of the thousands of Lebanese demanding change,” Saad Hariri said in a televised address.
Jake Johnson, staff writer
How is it possible that there are doubts about the continuity of the President responsible for the political and economic stability in the country with the largest growth rate in the region?
Let’s try to answer to this question by giving not one but several attempts.
Resumen Latinoamericano English Edition, October 28, 2019
With almost 90 percent of votes counted, Argentinian opposition progressive ticket Alberto Fernandez and Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner have won over right-wing incumbent President Mauricio Macri with 47,75 over 40,76 percent respectively in Sunday’s general elections.