In the Spanish-speaking world, there is a very peculiar children’s song: “Let’s Tell Lies”. Through the hilarious repetition of verses and a catchy melody, there is a succession of absurd situations that delight children. Comedy is an exercise where reality is alienated so that laughter is achieved. The … Läs mer “3/9 – Let’s Tell Lies… ”
A US-sponsored military aggression against Venezuela could take place before the November 3 elections in that country. On August 22, Admiral Remigio Ceballos, chief of the strategic operational command of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (FANB), said that:
Una vacuna que enaltecerá el desarrollo de la ciencia en Cuba; que nos situará a la altura de países desarrollados; que rendirá homenaje al Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz, artífice principal del sector biotecnológico en el país. Eso será Soberana, el primer candidato vacunal cubano contra la COVID-19 con autorización para empezar los ensayos clínicos
La organización superior de dirección empresarial BioCubaFarma informó la concesión del permiso para iniciar en el país los ensayos clínicos de un candidato vacunal cubano contra la COVID-19, capaz de inducir una potente respuesta inmunitaria ante la infección del virus SARS-COV-2
Från 11 mars i år, när det första Covid-19 fallet upptäcktes i Kuba, och fram till 24 juli har 2 478 personer i en befolkning på 11,2 miljoner, visat sig vara smittade. Av dessa har 95 procent redan tillfrisknat. Vi sörjer 87 avlidna. Dagligen … Läs mer “4/8 – Fidel Vascós, kubansk ekonom, om Kubas ekonomiska reformer”
Just like in Crimea in 2014 – “little green men” have entered the streets of Portland, Oregon. They drive around in unmarked vehicles and randomly apprehend people that look like “left wing activists”. Some are just beaten up, some are brought to federal buildings, harassed, registered, questioned, abused, and then released. The “little green men” are all … Läs mer “23/7 – “A Build Up for a Civil War in the U.S.””
Artikeln finn publicerad på den norska sidan Spartakus.
Mens Forsvaret er omgjort til en innsatsstyrke til bruk i NATOs strategi for globalt herredømme, blir forsvaret av Norge i stigende grad outsourcet, Nord-Norge gjort til alliert baseområde, og norske bedrifter nærmest fullintegrert i den amerikanske krigsindustrien.
This woke movement, supported by capitalists, is disguising the class divisions that Marxism highlights.
Denna, förvisso kontroversiella, debattartikel har tidigare varit publicerad på den brittisk/US-amerikanska sidan Spiked. författaren heter Paddy Hannam.
It has become increasingly common for commentators to describe Black Lives Matter as a ‘Marxist’ movement. Most such characterisations have been pejorative, intended to discredit the organisation. … Läs mer “10/7 – There’s nothing Marxist about Black Lives Matter”
This article is a part of the Thesis Eleven online project: Living and Thinking Crisis.
by Göran Therborn
The COVID-19 pandemic operates as a magnifying force to social actors, and as a magnifying glass to social observers. As a magnifying force it has, so far, mainly strengthened pre-existing societal tendencies. But it … Läs mer “7/7 – Opus Magnum: How the Pandemic is Changing the World”
Source: Cubadebate , translation Resumen Latinoamericano, North America bureau
By Iroel Sánchez on June 16, 2020
There is a scene in the documentary I am Not Your Negro (Raoul Peck, 2016) in which the African-American writer James Baldwin is interviewed on ‘70s television and the interviewer asks Baldwin why “Negroes aren’t optimistic, even though there are Negro … Läs mer “19/6 – The System is Rigged for the Rich”
ANC:s tidigare partiledare (1997-2007) och Sydafrikas president (1999-2008) Thabo Mbeki utvecklade i en intervju i SABC (sydafrikansk tv) sin syn på Olof Palmes stöd till motståndet mot apartheidregimen.
Mbeki sa i intervjun att man inom ANC hyst starka misstankar om att den sydafrikanska apartheidregimen låg bakom mordet på Olof Palme.
I artikeln beskriver och analyserar eFOLKETs Brasilien-korrepondent Göran Kärrman landets politiska situation och Bolsonaro-regimens raskt tilltagande kris.
First of the Iranian oil tankers arrives in Venezuela
The arrival of the Iranian tanker Fortune to the great refinery of El Palito in Venezuela has a meaning far, far greater than the quantity of gasoline and other crucial supplies transported in this ship. There are other aspects that are … Läs mer “27/5 – Venezuela Unblockaded”
In Venezuela, Operation Gideon is underway; an incursion of Venezuelan and U.S. mercenaries who aim to overthrow the government of Nicolas Maduro. Several of them have already been arrested and killed in the last 48 hours. The orders come from Washington.
By Don Fitz Cuba: From AIDS, dengue, and ebola to COVID-19
April 18, 2020 — Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal
Preparing for a pandemic requires understanding that a change in the relationship between people is primary and the production of things is secondary and flows from social factors. Investors in profit-based medicine cannot comprehend this concept. Nothing … Läs mer “25/4 – Cuba: From AIDS, Dengue, and Ebola to COVID-19”
Artikeln tidigare publicerad på
Monday 6 April 2020, by Ståle Holgersen
The useless decade
Anwar Shaikh argued in the late 1980s that when the economic system is healthy, it rapidly revives from all sorts of setbacks, but when unhealthy, practically anyhing can trigger its collapse. Now, it certainly was not just anything that trigged this round of … Läs mer “10/4 – Against the crisis: The crisis is not an opportunity, it’s the enemy”
Source: Solidaria, translation, Resumen Latinoamericano, North America bureau
By Stella Calloni on March 15, 2020
The coronavirus, a new strain of the already existing one, whose mutation is being investigated has put the world between the solidarity and the misery of a dying system, capable of using the effects of a pandemic to impose a state of terror … Läs mer “16/3 – Pandemics and War Games, Solidarity as an Antidote”
Artikeln är tidigare publicerad på
Sunday 15 March 2020,
by Daniel Tanuro
1. The fact that the economic slowdown preceded Covid-19 should not lead to denying either the economic impact of the epidemic (interruption of some production processes, disruption of supply chains, sectoral impacts on air transport and tourism, etc.) or the seriousness of the threat it … Läs mer “16/3 – Eight theses on Covid-19”
Yesterday was another day of mobilization in several points of the city of Santiago and surroundings. As it happened on the first day of the revolt, in October 2019, the high school students repeated the initiative of “evading” the payment of the subway system. At a predetermined time, hundreds … Läs mer “6/3 – Chile: Regaining Dignity is Priceless” Tuesday 28 January 2020, by Daniel Tanuro
The expression ‘tipping point’ refers to the point when a system passes from one system of equilibrium to another, the point where it is no longer possible to prevent accumulated quantitative changes from causing a qualitative change. It is used in many different fields, from population studies to climate change, … Läs mer “29/1 – Megafires in Australia: a climate tipping point, live”
eFOLKET-introduktion till den (oöversatta) texteb 24/1 – Closer than ever: It is 100 seconds to midnight, som följer nedan efter introduktionen på svenska.
Det är endast 100 sekunder – 1 minut och 40 sekunder – till midnatt, det vill säga mänskligheten är närmare en utplåning än någonsin tidigare enligt forskarna vid Atomic Bulletin’s Science and Security Board.
Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel said he does not believe the Trump administration would drop sanctions on the island in exchange for concessions from his government.
Iraks roll i den stora kraftmätningen mellan USA och Iran
Nazanín Armanian
Publicerad 13 januari 2020
Nazanín Armanian är iranska, bor i Barcelona sedan 1983, då hon flydde sitt land. Licencitat i statsvetenskap. Hon undervisar på Barcelonas universitet. Kolumnist i spanska tidningar.
I just read a very interesting note by writer Peter Koenig about the renaissance and exasperation of barbarism in recent times, and I say exasperation because it has been a constant presence in history, but under capitalism, it took on new and more brutal forms.
Source: Resumen Latinoamericano, translation North America bureau
On the night of Wednesday, January 8, social leader Oscar Quintero Valencia was taken from his home and executed in front of his wife. He lived in the village of Los Mangos in Puerto Guzmán (Putumayo), the municipality where social leader Gloria Ocampo … Läs mer “13/1 – In Colombia the Horror Show against Human Rights Continues”