The War in Ukraine Was Provoked—and Why That Matters to Achieve Peace by Jeffrey D. Sachs –, 23 maj 2023
By recognizing that the question of NATO enlargement is at the center of this war, we understand why U.S. weaponry will not end this war. Only diplomatic efforts can do that.
La Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País (SEAP) y su Sección de Cultura realizaron un evento el pasado 19 de mayo, en su sede, con motivo del 128 aniversario de la caída en combate de José Martí. Las palabras inaugurales estuvieron a cargo del Lic. Fernando Rodríguez Sosa, Presidente de la mencionada Sección de Cultura. El … Läs mer “29/5 – Fidel Vascós: ACERCA DEL PENSAMIENTO ECONÓMICO DE JOSÉ MARTÍ”
Capturing Carbon With Machines Is a Failure—So Why Are We Subsidizing It? By Richard Heinberg –, 24 maj 2023.
Policymakers are pouring money into techno-fixes to solve the climate crisis, even though scientific studies indicate nature-based solutions are all-around more effective.
The Atmosphere is Cooling Dangerously Fast by Robert Hunziker –, 23 maj 2023
The upper atmosphere is cooling too fast for comfort.
Global warming is only one half of the impact of excessive CO2 emissions generated by cars, planes, trains, and industry. The other impact is rapid cooling of the upper atmosphere which may be of … Läs mer “25/5 – The Atmosphere is Cooling Dangerously Fast”
How Nikita Khrushchev Exposed the Hypocrisy of US Interventions by Jacob G. Hornberger –, 19 maj 2023
For American interventionists living today, all that one needs to know is that Russia invaded Ukraine. End of story. Black and white. Russia bad. Ukraine good. Support Ukraine with U.S. taxpayer-funded cash and armaments. America good.
Skribenten Andi Olluri hävdar att USA och Storbritannien i Ukraina-konflikten konsekvent verkat mot diplomatiska initiativ och ansatser till fredsförhandlingar. Ukrainska liv offras i en konflikt där det strategiska målet för dirigenterna – främst USA och Storbritannien – är, och har länge varit, att försvaga Ryssland. Olluri menar också att medierna i väst i hög grad blivit propagandistiska verktyg … Läs mer “20/5 – Ukrainsk sommar: den västerländska militaristiska propagandamaskinen tröskar vidare”
Aqueous Matters: Europe’s Water Crisis by Binoy Kampmark –, 15 maj 2023
Europe is joining a number of other regions on the planet in suffering a prolonged water crisis; and it is one that shows little sign of abating. To this can be added the near catastrophic conditions that exist in other parts of the globe, … Läs mer “15/5 – Aqueous Matters: Europe’s Water Crisis”
In mid-April, we hosted renowned linguist, political analyst, and activist Noam Chomsky for a speaking and Q&A event at Lehigh University as part of the Douglas Dialogues forum. The event was attended by hundreds of students, faculty, and staff, and provided the Lehigh University community an opportunity to engage in contemporary political issues with Professor Chomsky, as related … Läs mer “9/5 – It’s the Class War, Stupid: An Evening with Noam Chomsky”
In 1935, the Congress of American Writers was held in New York City, followed by another two years later. They called on ‘the hundreds of poets, novelists, dramatists, critics, short story writers and journalists’ to discuss the ‘rapid crumbling of capitalism’ and the beckoning of another war. They were electric events which, according to one account, were attended … Läs mer “7/5 – The Coming War: Speak Up, Now”
From the ashes of a world war that killed 80 million people and reduced great cities to smoking rubble, America rose like a Titan of Greek legend, unharmed and armed with extraordinary military and economic power, to govern the globe. During four years of combat against the Axis leaders in Berlin and Tokyo that raged across the planet, … Läs mer “6/5 – The Rise of China (and the Fall of the U.S.?)”
Life expectancy in the U.S. plummets down, down, down, driven chiefly by the multitudinous gun deaths of children. Amurica outstrips the world with its hordes of kids shot to death, whose blood hydrates the idiocy of a second amendment deformed into pimping for gun manufacturers and their great friend, the currently beleaguered National Rifle Association. The NRA and … Läs mer “3/5 – As American Life Expectancy Plunges, Political Bigwigs Stay Busy Not Noticing”
An A-10 attack plane, used to fire depleted uranium missiles, surveys targets during the Gulf War. (Photo: Tech. Sgt. Fernando Serna/Wikimedia Commons)
On March 21, 2023 Britain confirmed that it was sending depleted uranium (DU) weapons to Ukraine, prompting a response from Russian president, Vladimir Putin, that, “If all this happens, Russia will have to respond accordingly, given … Läs mer “20/4 – It’s Time to Ban Depleted Uranium Weapons”
Instead, an independent foreign policy is desperately needed—and gaining support
Recently, the United States has been followed by a number of European countries in supporting a cold war policy toward Russia and China. This has created increasing problems in Europe—bringing a major war to the continent, creating serious economic difficulties, and intensifying a decline in living standards.
What’s the Best Way Out from the War in Ukraine? – By Joachim Schuster –, 27 march 2023
In view of the recent geopolitical upheavals, and particularly the war in Ukraine, it does not make sense (and does not promise much success) to build a new global security architecture based on the logic of a bipolar … Läs mer “30/3 – What’s the Best Way Out from the War in Ukraine?”
In April 1953, newly elected President Dwight D. Eisenhower, a retired five-star Army general who had led the landings on D-Day in France in June 1944, gave his most powerful speech. It would become known as his “Cross of Iron” address. In it, Ike warned of the cost humanity would pay if Cold War competition led to a … Läs mer “29/3 – William J Astore: The Vast Power of the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex”
Two decades ago, I sabotaged my career at The New York Times. It was a conscious choice. I had spent seven years in the Middle East, four of them as the Middle East Bureau Chief. I was an Arabic speaker. I believed, like nearly all Arabists, including most of those in the State Department and the CIA, that … Läs mer “23/3 – Chris Hedges: The lords of Chaos”
February 24 marked one year since the war between Russia and Ukraine began. During all that time, few proposals for ending the conflict have advanced. However, this not-desired anniversary comes with a ray of hope from an unexpected place: Latin America. Whether it becomes a reality or not, looking for a negotiated solution shows once again the commitment … Läs mer “2/3 – Lula Moves Forward with His Ukraine Peace Proposal”
With the Ukraine war now reaching its one-year mark on February 24, the Russians have not achieved a military victory but neither has the West achieved its goals on the economic front. When Russia invaded Ukraine, the United States and its European allies vowed to impose crippling sanctions that would bring Russia to its knees and force it … Läs mer “23/2 – Medea Benjamin and Nocolas J S Davies: Who´s Winning and Losing the Economic War Over Ukraine?”
USA-ekonomen Jeffrey Sachs var under 90-talet engagerad som ekonomisk rådgivare till regeringarna i Ryssland och Ukraina.
Han är idag mycket oroad på grund av det militaristiska lättsinne som världens makthavare uppvisar.
I ett tal som han nyligen höll i Venedig ger han sin syn på världens tillstånd, och efterlyser en kraftfull, målmedveten, internationell fredsrörelse, baserad på insikt, förnuft … Läs mer “12/2 – Jeffrey Sachs: NEGOTIATING A BETTER WORLD”
The relentless rise in the cost of living is unsustainable for most, and resistance is the only realistic answer, argues Terina Hine.
Millions of people are suffering severe hardship this winter; the last few months have proved the toughest many have ever faced. Now we are told food inflation has reached a record 16.7 %, costing families … Läs mer “9/2 – Terine Hine: Poverty crisis in the UK”
Fra hele landet strømmede utilfredse danskere i dag til Christiansborg Slotsplads for at vise deres vrede over regeringens plan om at afskaffe store bededag. Omkring 50.000 fyldte pladsen. Modstanden går på tværs af faggrupper, landsdele, alder og politisk tilhørsforhold.
Why build a New Non-Aligned Movement to struggle for a socialist, democratic and liberating New International Economic Order? Because we must!
This was the title of Yanis Varoufakis’ speech given in Havana, Cuba on Friday, January 27, at the Havana Congress for a New International Economic Order.
In 1965, the Guinean revolutionary Amílcar Cabral described how the aggregate brutality of the West flowed into Africa through NATO, supporting the Salazar regime’s wars against Portugal’s colonies in Angola, Mozambique, Guinea, and Cabo Verde:
NATO is typically described as a defensive treaty organization of countries that have a mutual assistance pact to come to each other’s aid with military force if any member is attacked.
US and other Western leaders are beaming at the impending addition of Sweden and Finland to NATO, although there still is an outside chance that Turkey might block their admission to the Alliance. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has hinted darkly that he may do so, unless the two candidate countries make certain concessions. He professes to be … Läs mer “12/1 – Ted Galen Carpenter: Sweden and Finland May Be Making a Fatal Blunder”
Even Before NATO Expansion, the West Sought to Strangle Russia Economically.
The first post-cold war assault on Russia by the West began in the early 1990s well before the expansion of NATO. It took the form of a U.S.-induced economic depression in Russia that was deeper and more disastrous than the Great Depression that devastated the U.S. in … Läs mer “9/1 – John V Walsh: The First US Onslaught to “Weaken” Post-Cold War Russia.”
The American republic morphed well over a century ago into an empire of many endless wars. With U.S. troops still in Syria, Iraq, Somalia and numerous African countries, with over 800 military bases in more than 70 countries and a war budget of roughly one trillion dollars a year, it’s no surprise that one of our main exports … Läs mer “3/1 – Eve Ottenberg: Wars and More Wars: The Sorry U.S. History in the Middle East”
If a prize was to be awarded for the most important yet least reported story in the media in 2022, it might well go to the news outlets that failed to report on the escalating violence between Israelis and Palestinians, which is now combining with the likely impact of the incoming far-right government in Israel.
A scholarly study found that British colonialism caused approximately 165 million deaths in India from 1880 to 1920, while stealing trillions of dollars of wealth. The global capitalist system was founded on European imperial genocides, which inspired Adolf Hitler and led to fascism.
All through the 1980s and 1990s, professorial mountebanks like James Q. Wilson and Charles Murray grew plump from best sellers about the criminal, probably innate, propensities of the “underclass,” about the pathology of poverty, the teen predators, the collapse of morals, the irresponsibility of teen moms.