Öppet brev för frigivningen av Louisa Hanoune

Till mina vänner, Till alla kollegor inom fackföreningsrörelsen, Till alla som åberopar sig på arbetarrörelsen, Till alla försvarare av demokratin, mänskliga rättigheter och kvinnors rättigheter Till media

Sedan 9 maj sitter min kamrat sedan 35 år – algeriska arbetarpartiets ledare Louisa Hanoune – inspärrad enligt beslut av en militärdomstol. Idag den 19 juni beslutades att hon ska hållas kvar i “provisorisk häktning”, trots att det inte finns någon enda anklagelsepunkt mot henne, annat än att hon vill “förändra regimen”. Det är just det som en majoritet av det algeriska folket vill och som uttryckts av miljontals demonstranter sedan den 22 februari, i en rörelse som fortsätter med full styrka. Det handlar om en inspärrning på grund av Louisas politiska åsikter.

En unikt bred kampanj i Algeriet och världen över kräver Louisa Hanounes frigivning och genomför en aktionsdag den 20 juni. Det är hög tid för alla som vill försvara demokratin och mänskliga rättigheter även i Sverige att ställa sig bakom kravet på Louisa Hanounes frigivning och därmed även uttrycka sin solidaritet med den folkliga kampen i Algeriet. Den 20 juni kontaktar jag den algeriska ambassaden i Stockholm och kräver Louisa Hanounes frigivning.

Meddela mig ditt stöd så vidarebefordrar jag det (även efter 20 juni).

Tillsammans kan vi verka för en bättre värld!

Marcus Carlstedt,

Lärare och fackligt ombud


1. Om Louisa Hanoune

Louisa Hanoune, född 1954 i en fattig familj som deltog i kampen för landets självständighet och fick sitt hus söndersprängt av den franska koloniala armén. Som första kvinna i familjen kunde hon trots allt motstånd fortsätta sina studier upp till universitetsnivå, samtidigt som hon organiserade sig i en kvinnoorganisation och i Arbetarnas Socialistiska Organisation (OST), som verkade underjordiskt under enpartisystemets repressiva regim.

1983 arresteras hon för första gången, men friges efter en bred internationell kampanj. Samma sak händer 1988. Stora protester tvingar FLN-regimen att 1989–90 acceptera andra partier. OST:s medlemmar bildar då, tillsammans med andra, Arbetarpartiet (PT) och Louisa blir dess språkrör. Under parlamentsvalet 1991 leder islamiska fronten FIS efter första omgången, vilket får armén att gripa in och ta över. Det leder till ett fruktansvärt inbördeskrig som varar i tio år och orsakar 250 000 döda.

PT och Louisa står för en åtskillnad mellan religion och politik och de uttalade sig mot att valet avbröts och att FIS-ledarna arresterades. För dem är det med politiska medel som kampen bör bedrivas och inte med repression. PT deltog aktivt för att få slut på det destruktiva inbördeskriget, som avslutades år 2000 då Bouteflika tillträtt som president. Med freden växte arbetarnas kamp kring sina eftersatta krav. Louisa och PT:s övriga aktivister deltar fullt ut i denna kamp, som tvingar regeringen till eftergifter. I parlamentet använder de sina röster för att driva arbetarnas och folkets krav, utan några illusioner om regimens antidemokratiska karaktär.

Otaliga delegationer med kämpande arbetare och andra maktlösa har genom åren vänt sig till PT för att de ska driva deras krav gentemot makthavarna. Louisa och PT har svarat på detta genom att försöka modifiera lagar och pressa ministrar. De har stött positiva åtgärder och motsatt sig negativa. Med Louisa i ledningen har Arbetarpartiet byggts upp som en oberoende politisk kraft djupt förankrad i arbetarklassen, andra befolkningsskikt och deras olika fackliga organisationer. När den folkliga revolutionen bröt fram den 22 februari 2019 var partiet redo att snabbt ställa om till ett ömsesidigt utbyte med de protesterande folkmassorna. Louisa och partiets övriga parlamentariker lämnad sig platser och krävde parlamentets och hela regimens upplösning, för en konstituerande församling som förbereds genom folkets självorganisering. På internationell nivå är Louisa en av två språkrör för Arbetarnas och folkens Internationella Nätverk (AIN) och välkänd i många länder.

2. Sammanställning av undertecknare (14 juni)

• List of the positions taken on the international level (there are now 71 countries [now 77 – 19 June] which participate in the campaign).

From the Americas

Argentina: General secretary of the Argentine Workers’ Central Union (CTA); Bandera Roja (newspaper of the organisation Politido Obrera) demands the release of Louisa Hanoune. Brazil: In total, 650 positions have been taken by organisations, political parties, associative movements, union leaders, MPs and personalities, including, among others: The Workers’ Party, in a motion from its national executive committee; The political prisoner Lula has published a message to demand the release of the political prisoner Louisa Hanoune; Paulo Pimenta, leader of the PT group in Parliament; The Brazilian Communist Party (PCdoB); The national executive of the Socialism and Liberty Party (PSOL); Vincentinho, PT federal deputy (São Paulo); Paulo Pimenta, leader of the PT parliamentary group in Parliament; Dialog and Action PT-ist (DAP), signed by Julio Turra and Luis Eduardo Greenhalgh, members of the ICLE; The municipal board of the PT of São Paulo; The Vila-Maria zonal board of the PT of São Paulo; The PT deputy from the state of Minas Gerais, Betão; The executive of the Workers’ Party of Rio de Janeiro (PT-RJ); The executive of the Workers’ Party of Volta Redonda-RJ; Guilherme Sampaio, municipal councillor of the PT Fortaleza (CE); Adriano Diogo, member of the national human rights secretariat of the PT; The Union Confederation CUT; The assembly of the union Sinduece de Fortaleza; The public administration workers’ union of São Paulo; The Condsef (Confederation of federal public services workers); The SINSSP, the social security and retirement workers’ union; The Union of federal employees of the state of Ceara (Sintsef-CE); The union of public education workers of Mato Grosso (Sintep-MT); The national confederation of municipal employees (Confetam CUT); The leadership of the CUT of the workers of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (CUT-RS); The union of municipal professors of Leopoldenses (Ceprol) The Association of university professors of the university of southwest Bahia (Adusb); The leadership of the Associatin of the professors of the Federal University of Pernambuco (ADUFERPE); Valter Pomar and Maria Caramez Carlotto, professors at the federal university of the ABC (São Paulo); The president
of the doctors’ union of São Paulo demands the release of Louisa Hanoune; The independent movement for the housing struggle, Vila-Maria, São Paulo (MIVM); A letter was sent, 20 May, to the Algerian ambassador in Brazil to demand the liberation of Louisa Hanoune, countersigned by officials and deputies of the PT, the president of the Cut, the president of the student union, the head of the Centrale of the workers of Brazil (CTB), of the landless persons’ movement (MST); the Union of Blacks for Equality (Unegro), the Party of the labour cause, the confederation of agricultural workers, the World March of Women, secondary school teachers’ unions, the Organisation of black entities and others. Chile: The Banking Confederation of Chile; Marco Antonio Canales Huenchuan of the CUT; The President of the federation of call centre employees and national councillor of the CUT. Columbia: Juan Ernesto Rojas, president of Unibal (CTC; Daniel Alfredo Dallos and Benjamin Reinoso, CTC. Ecuador: The socialist revolutionary workers’ organisation; Unionists from the drinking water enterprise of Quito; Unionists from the association Riego de agua; Unionists from the enterprise Cetra (electrical sector). United States: A call from political and union activists. Guadeloupe: The UGTA and Elie Domota, its general secretary; The general secretary of Sud PTT Guadeloupe; The general secretary of the departmental union CGT-FO of Guadeloupe; Travayé é Péyizan has sent a letter to the Algerian ambassador and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Haiti: Confederation of public and private sector workers of Haiti (CTSP); The National confederation of Haitian workers (CNOHA); The Party Rasin Kan Pèp La; The Movement of Liberty, of Equality of Haitians for Fraternity (MOLEGHAF). Martinique: Confederation of autonomous unions of Martinique (UNSAM); A call countersigned by leaders of 7 organisations including the national council of popular committees, the Frantz Fanon circle, the worker and farmer alliance, activists of the party communists for independence and socialism and lawyers. Mexico: A letter sent to the Algerian ambassador, countersigned by tens of political and union activists, demanding to be received and demanding the release of Louisa Hanoune; Hugo Rendon Jimenez, CROC. Panama: The general secretary of the National unique union of construction industry workers (Suntracs). Peru: A call from union and political leaders, including the general secretary of the GCTP. Quebec: The president and vice president of the Quebecois Secular Movement. Dominican Republic: National confederation of union unity (CNUS). Uruguay: Elbio Laxalte Terra, free thinker and humanist, member of the 20 September civil association. Venezuela: A call from constituent deputies, political leaders, lawyers and union leaders demanding the release of Louisa Hanoune; Forming of a solidarity committee for the immediate release of Louisa Hanoune with constituent deputies and unionists.

From Africa

South Africa: Call from union leaders, Black Consciousness militants and political activists; The Black Consciousness
Movement; The Socialist Party of Azania. Benin: The national union of public primary school teachers of Benin (SNEP B). Burkina Faso: The general secretary of the ONSL. Cameroon: Union confederation National entente of the workers of Cameroon; The teachers’ union SYNAEEPCAM; The union Synester. Ivory Coast: National union of the workers of the Ivory Coast (UNATRCI); The Federation of autonomous unions of the Ivory Coast (Fesaci); The president of the Federation of education unions of the Fesaci; General secretary of the CNES; Unionist from Synamieci (UNATRCI); The president and general secretary of Dignité; The first assistant general secretary of Humanisme. Gabon: The President of the union confederation of the workers of Gabon; A unionist from the union confederation of Gabon (COSYGA). Ghana: The vice president of GFL; The vice president of the national division of the PSWU (civil aviation union); The vice president of the TUC. Guinea: Union confederation of the workers of Guinea (USTG) Mauritius: Mauritius Labour Congress. Mali: Party for African solidarity, democracy and independence (SADI); SNEC-UNTM (National union of the workers of Mali); Unionists from the CSTM. Morocco: Editorial committee of Informations ouvrières. Mauritania: National union of secondary education (SNES). Niger: National union of petroleum workers of Niger (BEN SYNATRAP); Progressive workers’ union (ESPT); Democratic confederation of the workers of Niger (CDTN); General confederation of free unions (CGSL). Uganda: President of the Coftu; General secretary of the UPASU. Democratic Republic of Congo: National union of the workers of Congo (UNTC). Republic of the Congo: The general secretary of the CSC. Central African Republic: The general secretary of the national confederation of Central African workers (CNTC). Rwanda: Union of agricultural workers. Senegal: A collective of 12 union federations has published a common declaration; Confederation of autonomous unions of Senegal (CSA); CNTLS; The national confederation of the workers of Senegal FC; Confederation of democratic unions of Senegal; Union of democratic unions of Senegal (USDS); The president of young scientists of Senegal; The assistant general secretary of UNSAS; The general secretary of the National Federation of the Workers of Senegal (FNTS). Sudan:
The Union of Sudanese women Two leaders of the Sudanese Communist Party in exile. Chad: Union of the teachers of Chad (SET); The collective for the literacy, health and education of women. Togo: Union confederation Unsit; Common declaration from the Democratic Convention of African Peoples and the Democratic Party of urban and rural workers. Tunisia: The general secretary of the Free-Thinker Movement of Tunisia; The local teachers’ union UGTT.

From Asia

Burma: The president of the confederation of unions of Myanmar. Korea: Hyunsu Hwang, international leader of the KTU (teacher federation). Iran: The Communist Party of Iran (CPI)

From Europe

Germany: Socialist Youth of the SPD (JUSOS), national leadership; Leadership of the Land of Berlin of the labour commissions of the SPD (AfA); SPD – Labour commission of Niederrhein; Labour commission of the SPD, district of Berlin Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf; Leadership of the Labour commission of the SPD in Berlin Tempelhof-Schöneberg; Labour commission of the SPD, city public servants and enterprises group (Frankfort); SPD – Labour commission of Düsseldorf; SPD – Labour commission of Berlin Reinickendorf; Section 76 of Chalottenburg-Wilmersdorf; SPD – Union local Heidelberg Alstadt-Schlierbach; SPD – Union local Frankfort Nordweststadt Süd; General Assembly, 60+ SPD under-sector of Düsseldorf; Hilde Mattheis, Member of the Bundestag, member of the national leadership of the SPD and president of Forum DL 21 (Democratic Left in the SPD); Cansel Kiziltepe, SPD Member of the Bundestag; Dr. Clara West, Member of the Abgeordnetenhaus of Berlin, assistant president of the SPD group; Susana dos Santos-Hermann, SPD Member of the Landtag of North Rhine-Westphalia; Andreas Kossiski, SPD Member of the Landtag of North Rhine-Westphalia; The congress of the teachers’ union (GEW) of North Rhine-Westphalia, held from 23 to 25 May 2019 in Essen, demands the immediate release of Louisa Hanoune; The leadership of the teachers’ union (GEW) of Schleswig-Holstein; Ver.di, union local Berlin Centre-North; Ver.di, union local Berlin North-West; Ver.di, sector of Südholstein; Dorothea Schäfer, Land director, in the name of the teachers’ union (GEW) of North Rhine-Westphalia; Meeting of the Frankfort social work network of 15 May 2019, in which representatives of 12 enterprises and 2 unions participated (Ver.di and GEW); Leadership of the writers’ association of Berlin; Ver.di, leadership of sector 13 of Berlin; Work Group FoKuS in sector 13; The union representatives of the hospital LVR in Cologne; Teachers’ union (GEW), leadership of the Neumünster district; The members of the board of directors of Ver.di of the Land of North-Rhine Westphalia; The members of the board of directors of the union Ver.di in the Land of Berlin-Brandenburg; A very broad call from unionists, SPD activists, Die Linke, and regional and local elected officials.
Austria: Two leaders of the SPÖ of Vienna (social-democratic party) and the union federation ÖGB of Vienna. Belgium: Robert Vertenuoil, president of the general federation of labour of Belgium (FGTB; Jean-François Tamellini, federal secretary of the FGTB; A call countersigned by FGTB unionists and university professors; Associative, human rights and anti-capitalist activists; Circle of Free Thought. Spain: Press Conference of the Parliament of Catalonia, 6 June A press conference was organised, 6 June, in the Parliament of Catalonia in the presence of MPs Jordi Albert (ERC), Vidal Aragones (CUP), Susanna Segovia (ECP) and Frances de Dalmases (JxCay) – Ferran Pedret (PSC) apologised for his absence while supporting the decisions announced – and Josep A Pozo, spokesman for the committee in Spain for the liberation of Louisa Hanoune. In particular, it was announced that steps would be taken to ask for a delegation of Catalan MPs to be able to go to Algeria to meet with Louisa Hanoune in prison. The MPs also announced that they would address themselves to the Spanish government for it to declare itself in favour of the release of the general secretary of the PT. The spokesman of the committee in Spain informed that in the framework of the international day of 20 June, a gathering will take place in front of the Algerian consulate in Barcelona with the participation of MPs, union leaders, etc. (Caption) Press conference, 6 June, in the Catalan Parliament for the liberation of Louisa Hanoune The parliamentary group (deputies and senators) of Esquerra Republicana (ERC); Vidal Aragones, deputy in the Parliament of Catalonia (Cup); Jordi Albert I Caballero, MP and member of the parliamentary group of the parliament f Catalonia for ERC addressed himself to the embassy in Madrid; José Ignacio Molina Arroyo and Inmaculada Nieto Castro, deputies in the Parliament of Andalusia; City councillors of municipalities in the departments of Valencia, Castellon, Madrid, Seville; Association Trabajo y Democracia; Europa Laica; Coordination 25 September (Madrid). Editorial board of Tribuna socialista; Group of labour lawyers of the UGT of Valencia; Executive commission of Labour commissions (CCOO); Executive commission of the UGT; Confederal Committee of the UGT. General secretaries of the UGT of Basque country; Members of the Confederal Council of CCOO; Members of the executive commission of the Healthcare federation of Andalusia; Public services federation of Basque country; General secretary of the UGT of Catalonia; Federal executive committee of the services federation of the UGT; Executive committee of the printing sector of the CCOO of Madrid; General secretary of the pensioners and retired persons of the CCOO of Madrid José Alcazar and Ruben Ranz of the Airbus 8, prosecuted for striking on the basis of article 315-3 of the penal code; Jordi Aragunde, general coordinator of the International Dockworkers Council (IDC); Union sections and general secretaries of John Deer, the Madrid Underground, Schneider Electric, Corrugados, Peugeot, Plastic Omnium, Sabadell city hall (Catalonia), the prefecture of Barcelona, the posts of Tarragona, Union local of Baix Llobregat; Tens of activists of the UGT, CCOO and Stem teachers’ unions; And positions taken by the unions UGT and CCOO in the regions of Madrid, Andalusia, Basque Country, Valencia and Catalonia; Group of UGT and CCOO activists of the sectors of industry, healthcare and construction of Valencia and Castellon; Two delegations to the embassy of Algeria in Madrid and a delegation to the consulate in Barcelona have been realised. France:
A broad call from personalities from the PS (Ayrault, former Prime minister and PS deputies), PCF (Roussel, general secretary of the PCF and PCF deputies and senators), LFI (Mélenchon and LFI deputies), Benoît Hamon, Olivier Besancenot, Jean-Pierre Chevènement, Philippe Martinez (general secretary of the CGT), Yves Veyrier (general secretary of the CGT-FO), from the FSU (Bernadette Groison, general secretary of the FSU), a great many union bodies including a number of national federations of the union confederations, democrats like Henri Leclerc and university professors like Benjamin Stora. This call collected thousands of signatures in a few days. A press conference was held in Paris, 22 May. Great Britain: A call from union and Labour Party activists (from Momentum, the Communist Party, the Socialist Party of south Devon, Unite unionists, the NEC, the Association of Women of Colour, etc.). The network Mena Solidarity; The newspaper Review of African Political Economy (ROAPE) condemns the incarceration of Louisa Hanoune, supports the international day of 20 June and calls for support. Greece: The President of Penen (union of commercial fleet sailors) demands the liberation of Louisa Hanoune; The general secretary of the Dockworkers’ Union of the port of Piraeus; A member of the secondary school union OLME. Italy: Eurostop (Potere al popolo); Eliana Como, member of the national leadership of the Italian general confederation of labour (CGIL) and spokesperson for #riconquistiamotutto! Maria Mantello, leader of the association Giordano Bruno. Moldavia: Boboc Vitalie, of Popular Resistance; Andrei Podgourski, VNKPM. Poland: The editorial committee of the information site Straijk demands the immediate release of Louisa Hanoune. Portugal: The Parliament has voted to approve a demand for the release of Louisa Hanoune Vote n°829/XIII/4a: “The Assembly of the Republic, gathered in plenary session, shows its great concern and condemns the detention of Louisa Hanoune, demanding her immediate and unconditional release.” Isabel Moreira, Socialist Party MP in the Assembly of the Republic; Pedro Filipe Soares, João Vasconcelos, José Manuel Pureza and José Soeiro, Left Bloc MPs in the Assembly of the Republic; Antonio Chora, member of the national leadership of the Left Bloc; Letter addressed to the ambassador of Algeria in Lisbon by the Association 25-April; Raquel Varela, historian; The general secretary of the UGT; The union SINDETELCO (post and telecom); The nurses’ union SE; The SINDEQ; Dockworkers union (SEAL); Commission of the workers of Groundforce; Collective of young workers of Madère; Alexander Café, leader of SITE CSRA and city elected official; Letter to the ambassador from the commission of workers of the Lisbon airport. Romania: The Association of the workers of Romania; The National union of Tarom (the national airline); The union federation Hermes; The union University Solidarity; The association for the emancipation of the workers (AEM); A new call countersigned by a deputy and presidents of union federations; A call signed by political activists and union leaders. Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belorussia, Latvia and Armenia: A common call from political activists from these six countries of the ex-Soviet Union. Serbia: A call from political activists and union leaders; Coordinator of “Women in Black”.
Slovenia, Croatia: A series of personalities. Sweden: The Socialistiska Partiet; Officials of the professors’ union, of the metal workers union and members of the Left Party. Switzerland: Jean Ziegler, vice-president of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee of the UN; Melik Özden, director of the CETIM; Laurence Fehlmann Rielle, national councillor, PS Geneva; Manuel Tornare, national councillor PS Geneva; Fabian Molina, national councillor PS Zurich; Nicolas Rochat Fernandez, national councillor PS Vaud; Françoise Pitteloud, former national councillor PSV; Eric Voruz, former national councillor PSV; Jean-Luc Godard, filmmaker; Anne-Marie Mieville, filmmaker; Jean Tschopp, Unia and MP in the Grand Conseil Vaud; Jean-Charles Rielle, PSG MP; Pierre Eckert, MP Green GE; Jocelyn Haller, MP Together on the left Geneva; Pablo Cruchon, MP Together on the left Geneva; Emmanuel Deonna, municipal councilor and substitute MP PSG; Christian Zaugg, MP Together on the left GE; Nicolas Walder, president of the Greens-Geneva; Jean Burgermeister, MP solidarities GE; Christian Dandrès, MP PS Geneva; Nicole Valiquer Grecuccio, MP PS Geneva; Carole-Anne Kast, PSG; Anaïs Tmofte, vice president of the Popular Labour Party Vaud; Resolution from the 80th national congress of the transportation union (SEV) and 104 delegates from the congress signed the call; Katharina Prelicz-Huber, national president of the SSP-VPOD; Graziano Pestoni, president of the union federation of Tessin; Marc Simeth, president of the Inter-union cartel of the state personnel-Geneva; Vania Alleva, vice president of UNIA; Pierre-Yves Maillard, president of USS; The assembly of delegates of the Swiss Trade Union Federation (USS); The Genevan Union Action Community (CGAS); Turkey: The union confederation of public employees (KESK) The person in charge of international affairs of DISK. From the Middle East Bahrain: The association of the women of Bahrain. Iraq: The association of Iraqi women. Jordan: The association of Arab women. Lebanon: The vice president of the national federation of the union workers and employees; The general secretary and member of the executive council of the General Confederation of the Workers of Lebanon; An official of the federation of woodworking and construction unions; An official of the union of decoration and painting workers. Lebanese section of the International Federation of journalists; The president of the union of Arab lawyers; A position taken by political and union activists; A leader of the workers’ liberation front; Arab regional centre of the world federation of women democrats; The president of the Lebanese women’s rights league; The Palestinian democratic women of Lebanon; Leaders of the World Mothers’ Movement – Lebanon; A leader of the national union of Lebanese women; A leader of the national committee for the elimination of discrimination against women.
Palestine: Salah Salah in the name of the Palestinian National Forum; Union of Arab workers of Nazareth; The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (FPLP): “We denounce and condemn the incarceration of the respected comrade Louisa Hanoune and demand her immediate release.”; Ghada Karmi, author and university professor. Syria: The league of Syrian women.

3. De senaste undertecknarna (19 juni)


Argentine : – un membre du comité directeur Ate (Santa Fé) ; – le secrétaire exécutif de la Confédération des travailleuses et travailleurs de l’université des Amériques. Brésil : – au total, 650 prises de position d’organisations, de partis politiques, de mouvements associatifs, de dirigeants syndicaux, de parlementaires et de personnalités ; – Sonia Maria Zerino Da Silva, responsable des affaires de femmes NCST. Chili : – Marco Antonio Canales Huenchuan de laCUT; – la présidente de la fédération des employés des centrales d’appel et conseillère nationale de la CUT. Colombie : – Juan Ernesto Rojas, président d’Unibal, CTC ; – Daniel Alfredo Dallos et Benjamin Rei- noso, CTC ; – Segundo Melquisedec Reyes Sanchez (CGT, Utradian) ; – Martha Edith Macias Hernandez (CGT, Utradian) ; – Gloria Orciza, Utradian ; – Fernando Vasquez, vice-président CTU ; – Daniel Dalles, CTC ; – Benjamin Reinoso, fédération Fesinu- voc CTC. États-Unis : – Thompson E. Potter, Jr., syndicaliste Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers (HUCTW) – à titre personnel ; – Barry M. Jones (Mountain Ash) ; – Wayne Heimbach, syndicaliste SEIU, retraité ; – Doug Seidman, New York ; – John Reimann, Oakland Socialist ; – Atley Chock, Solidarity Center ; – le site Oakland Socialist a publié l’appel de l’EIT pour la libération de Louisa Hanoune. Guadeloupe : Un appel de l’UGTG à un meeting le 20 juin. Martinique : Un appel de l’AOP, du cercle Frantz- Fanon, du CNCP, d’Ichs Peyi A Doubout, du Modemas, du PKLS, de l’Unsam, pour un meeting commun le 20 juin pour la libération de Louisa Hanoune. Mexique : Hugo Rendon Jimenez, confédération syndicale CROC. Nicaragua : – vice-coordinateur du Front national des travailleurs (FNT) ; – un responsable de la Fesitun.


Bénin : – Moudassirou Bachabi, secrétaire géné- ral de la Confédération générale des travailleurs du Bénin (CGTB) ; – Nagnini Mampo Kassa Mampo, secrétaire général de la CSTB ; – Hounwanou Christophe Houessionon, secrétaire général de la Centrale des syndicats unis du Bénin (CSUB) ; – Basilia Odjoube, première secrétaire générale adjointe de la Cosi-Bénin. Burkina Faso :
– le secrétaire général de l’ONSL ; – Inoussa Nana, secrétaire général de Force ouvrière-Union nationale des syndicats (FO-UNS). Cameroun : – Antoinette Tanguno, présidente de la Confédération camerounaise du travail ; – Célestin Baya Synguima, Confédération syndicale des travailleurs du Came- roun. Côte d’Ivoire : – le secrétaire général du CNES ; – un syndicaliste du Synamieci (UNATRCI) ; – le président et le secrétaire général de Dignité ; – le premier secrétaire général adjoint d’Humanisme. Djibouti : Hassan Cher, UDT Djibouti. Gabon : – le président de la Confédération syndicale des travailleurs du Gabon ; – une syndicaliste de la Confédération syndicale du Gabon (Cosyga) ; – Fridolin Mva Messa, président de l’Union des syndicats de l’administration publique, parapublique et privée ; – Ntougue Claude Bernard, président de la CSG. Ghana : – le vice-président de GFL ; – la vice-responsable de la division nationale du PSWU (syndicat de l’aviation civile) ; – le vice-président du TUC ; – responsable national du Syndicat général des travailleurs de l’agriculture (Gawu) ; – responsable du Syndicat des mineurs (GMU) ; – un syndicaliste du Criwu. Kenya : Isaiah M’Itumitu, membre de la direction de l’organisation centrale des syndicats. Mali: Syndicalistes de la CSTM. Niger : Le secrétaire général de la CSTN. Nigeria : Le vice-président de l’Union des employés de l’agriculture du Nigeria. Ouganda : – le président de la Coftu ; – le secrétaire général de l’Upasu. République du Congo : Le secrétaire général du CSC. l République centrafricaine : La secrétaire générale de la Confédération nationale des travailleurs centrafricains (CNTC). l Zimbabwe : Cecilia Alexander, présidente de l’Association des services publics.


Allemagne : – Ver.di, direction régionale des hôpitaux, Berlin ; – direction exécutive de GEW, Berlin ; – syndicat Ver.di des hôpitaux, Berlin ; – SPD Heidelberg ; – SPD Heilbronn ; – direction de Die Linke de Rhénanie- du-Nord-Westphalie ; – professeur Klaus Staeck, président d’hon-neur de l’Académie des arts de Berlin ; – Frank Jahnke, SPD, député du Parlement de Berlin ; – Franziska Becker, député du Parlement de Berlin ; – Thomas Cosmar, président de la direction Ver.di du Land de Berlin ; – Dietmar Köster, SPD, membre du Parlement européen ; – Francis Leroy, représentant CWTSE au Bureau de la FGTB Wallonne ; – et une douzaine de délégués et militants FGTB (Régionale de Liège) ;
– Astrid Henke, présidente du GEW du Land de Schleswig-Holstein ; – Annegret Hansen, présidente adjointe du Comité exécutif fédéral du groupe de travail pour les questions des employés du SPD, Afa. Autriche : Des responsables du SPÖ de Vienne (Parti social-démocrate) et de la centrale syndicale ÖGB de Vienne. Belgique : – Robert Vertenueil, président de la Fédération générale du travail de Belgique (FGTB) ; – Jean-François Tamellini, secrétaire fédé- raldelaFGTB; – Fabrice Eeklaer, conseiller, Confédéra- tion des syndicats chrétiens (CSC) ; – Marc Goblet, député au Parlement fédéral, PS ; – Nadia Moscufo, députée au Parlement fédéral, PTB ; – Alice Bernard, députée au Parlement de Wallonie, PTB ; – Manuel Lamoline, Président CGSP- Amio (Fgtb), régionale de Liège ; – Julien Hannotte, secrétaire politique du Parti communiste de Belgique ; – Christian Jacquemin, président de la Régionale FGTB Verviers – OstBelgien ; – Selena Carbonero Fernandez, prési- dente du Bureau des femmes de la FGTB Wallonne ; – Francis Leroy, représentant CWTSE au Bureau de la FGTB Wallonne ; – et une douzaine de délégués et mili- tants FGTB (Régionale de Liège) ; – militants associatifs, des droits de l’homme et de la gauche anticapitaliste. Espagne : Secrétaire général de la fédération des pensionnaires et retraités des CCOO de Madrid. Grande-Bretagne : – le réseau Mena Solidarity ; – le journal Review of African Political Economy (Roape) condamne l’incarcé- ration de Louisa Hanoune, soutient la journée internationale du 20 juin et appelle à soutenir. Italie : – Eliana Como, membre de la direction nationale de la Confédération générale italienne du travail (CGIL) et porte-parole #riconquistiamotutto! – Maria Mantello, responsable de l’asso- ciation Giordano-Bruno ; – Marco Meruni, reporter ; – Mario Eustachio de Bellis, président de l’Association nationale des partisans ita- liens ; – Regina D’eramo, parti socialiste. l Portugal : Le XIIIe Congrès national des professeurs (Fenprof ) des 14 et 15 juin appelle à la libération immédiate de Louisa Hanoune. l Turquie : – Livanc Eliacik, DISK (responsable des affaires internationales) ; – Roman Gürdüz, KESK.


Birmanie : Le président de la confédération des syndicats du Myanmar. Inde: – le président de la Jnusu (syndicat étudiant de l’université Nehru) ; – le secrétaire général de la confédération syndicale Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (BMS).

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