Britain has entered an era of legalised larceny by the politically well-connected some 150 years after the Victorians ended what they execrated as the “Old Corruption”. By this they meant the toxic system whereby the ruling elite enjoyed a parasitic relationship with the state enabling them to obtain jobs and money through patronage, partisanship and purchase.
Israelis dismiss charges of “apartheid against Palestinians” as anti-Semitic propaganda, but Benjamin Netanyahu’s new government will confirm the apartheid nature of the regime, and will provide hints of fascism, Israeli-style. Netanyahu is not a fascist, but he is a racist and he is considering appointing to his government people who are dangerous racists. No government in Israel over … Läs mer “5/12 – Melvin Goodman: Fascism: Israel Style”
More than 1,700 people have been killed in floods that continue to submerge parts of Pakistan. Amid this crisis, activists are demanding debt cancellation and climate reparations.
By Tanupriya Singh
Author Bio:This article was produced in partnership by Peoples Dispatch and Globetrotter. Tanupriya Singh is a writer at Peoples Dispatch and is based in Delhi.
By Marcos A Maranges on November 22, 2022 from Havana
Today in the early morning hours, one of the most important singer-songwriters in the history of Cuba, the troubadour Pablo Milanes, who delighted millions of people around the world with his tuned guitar and unmistakable voice, passed away in Madrid. Milanes is, together with Silvio Rodriguez and Noel … Läs mer “24/11 – Cuba Says Goodbye to One of its Greatest Musicians”
By Robin Scher
Author Bio: Robin Scher is a writer based in South Africa. He is a graduate of the Cultural Reporting and Criticism program at New York University. Find him on Twitter @RobScherHimself.
Source: Independent Media Institute
This article was produced by Earth | Food | Life, a project of the Independent Media Institute.
The European Union’s Foreign Chief Josep Borrell is not particularly perceived by the EU’s political elite or mainstream media as a rightwing ideologue or warmonger. But seen through a different, non-western prism, it is hard not to mistake him for one.
Gideon Rachman reported October 31 in a Financial Times column that, “… senior U.S. officials point out that the smallest tactical nuclear weapons might kill hundreds of people, rather than thousands — and devastate and irradiate just a few square miles.”
As many people are beginning to realize but would rather not think about, the United States and Russia are moving perilously close to nuclear war. Russian President Putin has now openly pledged to defend Russian territory with “all the forces and means at our disposal.” U.S. President Biden has responded that Russia will suffer “catastrophic consequences” if it … Läs mer “1/11 – Jacob G Hornberger: Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Ukraine”
Ukraine has been wracked by shocking destruction and deadly violence since Russia invaded the country in February. Estimates of the death toll range from a confirmed minimum of 27,577 people, including 6,374 civilians, to over 150,000. The slaughter can only get more horrific as long as all sides, including the United States and its NATO allies, remain committed … Läs mer “29/10 Medea Benjamin och Nicolas J S Davies: The Groving Chorus for Peace in Ukraine”
The Burden of Massive EV Batteries Will Be Borne by People and Ecosystems
Much of the excitement over the Inflation Reduction Act, which became law this summer, focused on the boost it should give to the sales of electric vehicles. Sadly, though, manufacturing and driving tens of millions of individual electric passenger cars won’t get us far enough … Läs mer “22/10 – Priti Gulati Cox – Stan Cox: Are Green Resource Wars Looming?”
In a moment of candor, President Biden told Democratic Party contributors the risk of nuclear “Armageddon” is the highest since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, when the Soviet Union installed nuclear missiles in Cuba, 90 miles from Florida. Referring to Russian President Putin’s veiled threats to use short-range nuclear weapons in Ukraine, the President added it was the … Läs mer “17/10 – Medea Benjamin – Marcy Winograd: Nuclear Extortion? Abolish Nuclear Weapons”
An inflationary tsunami is passing through the world economy, creating economic disorder—in some cases acute political crisis—in every country it touches. This is gathering momentum as the U.S., which is leading other Global North economies, attempts to control inflation by rapidly raising interest rates—forcing the Global North economies into recession.
President Vladimir Putin has been trying to wage war on the cheap in Ukraine for seven months, with disastrous results for Russia. He is now ordering a partial military mobilisation that will take time to implement and may at best only create a stalemate between Russian and Ukrainian forces.
After 12 bleak years of various Conservative governments, led by inadequate Prime Ministers, the UK is on its knees. Democracy is under attack like never before; the disaster of Brexit, which has resulted in a catalogue of negatives including social polarization, isolationism and rabid tribalism.
Absent from all the reporting on the late queen and the new king are their views on Israel’s treatment of Palestinians, and especially the Queen’s unofficial boycott (she’d crisscrossed the globe to visit over 120 countries) and refusal to accept an invitation to visit Israel. After a first-hand experience with Israeli apartheid, Prince Charles openly expressed his dim … Läs mer “21/9 – Queen Elizabeth’s Boycott of Israel”
Monthly Review publicerade 14 juni i år en text från The Mapping Projekt, som kartlägger US-imperialismen:
“USA-imperialismen är det största hotet mot livet på planeten, en ekologisk förödelse och katastrof som påverkar inte bara människor utan även våra icke-mänskliga släktingar…”
Den här artikeln handlar om USA-imperialismen sedan andra världskriget. Det är viktigt att kom ihåg att USA-imperialismen … Läs mer “7/7 – Mapping U.S. Imperialism”
Kurderna lider den största skadan till följd av kriget i Ukraina, skriver Patrick Coburn. Ukrainska flyktingar drar till sig global uppmärksamhet, men Ukrainakriget har även öppnat dörren på vid gavel för massutdrivningen av två miljoner syriska kurder, som sannolikt kommer att ske under de kommande månaderna. Turkiet hotar att slutföra den etniska rensningen av kurder från norra Syrien … Läs mer “5/7 – Patrick Coburn: The Mass Ethnic Cleansing of Syrian Kurds is Collateral Damage From the War in Ukraine”
Nato är ständig fara för världsfreden. Redan för tre decennier sedan hade Nato överlevt sin tid som användbar… Det första steget i att upplösa Nato och eliminera organisationen som ett hot mot den globala freden är att USA lämnar alliansen. Ju tidigare desto bättre. Att karakterisera Nato som en “kollektiv säkerhets-” eller “försvars”-koalition i dessa dagar är ren … Läs mer “1/7 – Thomas Knapp: Don’t Expand NATO, Disband It”
Vi kan inte vrida klockan tillbaka och påverka Rysslands katastrofala beslut att invadera Ukraina eller Natos historiska misstag. Men västerländska ledare skulle nu kunna fatta klokare strategiska beslut. Dessa bör innebära att Ukraina blir en neutral stat, icke-NATO-stat, något som president Zelenskyy själv i princip gick med på under krigets första tid. Istället för att utnyttja denna kris … Läs mer “29/6 – Medea Benjamin och Nicolas J S Davies: Nato and a War Foretold”
Storbritannien har beslutat att godkänna utlämningen av Julian Assange till USA. Assange kan därför snart kommer att föras till USA för att utsättas för skenrättegång alltså en ren häxprocess. Den US-amerikanske ekonomiprofessorn Jacob G Hornberger hoppas att Assanges försvarare kan vända anklagelserna mot Pentagon och CIA som år de som rätteligen borde sitta på de anklagades bänk.
The Russian invasion of Ukraine is producing secondary crises. Some are well publicised, such as the threat to world food supplies because the war has prevented Ukraine exporting millions of tons of grain from its Black Sea ports. The exodus of Ukrainian refugees crammed onto trains as they sought refuge in other countries was shown on every television … Läs mer “14/6 – Patrick Coburn: Turkey’s Assault on Syrian Kurds: a Secondary Crises of the Ukraine War?”
“Ryssland startade, liksom USA gjorde 2003 i Irak 20, ett hemskt krig. Men hur fruktansvärt Rysslands krig i Ukraina än är så var det som USA gjorde i Irak värre”, skriver den US-amerikanska författarinnan Eve Ottenberg.
“USA, skulle kunna påskynda slutet på dödandet i Ukraina genom att främja fredsförhandlingar. Biden vägrar att göra detta.”
Amerikanska politiker tror att enorma försvarsbudgetar skapar internationell säkerhet för USA, och många amerikaner tror att deras vapen ger dem trygghet. USA ifrågasätter inte användningen av dödliga vapen i onödiga krig utomlands som i Vietnam, Irak och Afghanistan. Hemma i USA finns det fler vapen än människor – 120 vapen för varje 100 personer. USA är exceptionellt eftersom … Läs mer “6/6 – Melvin Goodman: American Exceptionalism: Our Gun Culture at Home and Abroad”
If you cringe in horror at the prospect, two years hence, of a Trump versus Biden presidential race, you are not alone. But it looms as a real possibility: two very aged men who should have the decency to retire from public life, having contributed so much to making it an absolute mess.
6. mai fikk Norge og Mexico enstemmig tilslutning i FNs Sikkerhetsråd om å arbeide for en fredsløsning på Ukraina-krigen. Siden den gang har partene aktivt motarbeidet sitt eget vedtak.
A famous quote from Desmond Tutu – ‘if you are neutral in situations of injustice then you are choosing the side of the oppressor’ – has been widely used and abused since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In numerous fora, it has been deployed to harangue countries into abandoning their neutrality and lining up behind NATO. Never mind that … Läs mer “22/5 – Joining the West”
Vijay Prashad is an Indian historian, editor and journalist. He is a writing fellow and chief correspondent at Globetrotter. He is an editor of LeftWord Books and the director of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. He is a senior non-resident fellow at Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China. He has … Läs mer “20/5 – Is This the End of the French Project in Africa’s Sahel?”