The Savagery of the War Against the Palestinian People by Vijay Prashad –, 11 oktober 2023
Israel’s brutal and punctual violence against the Palestinian people in Gaza over the last decade, is in violation of all international conventions on war and human rights.
Suing for a Livable Climate by Farrah Hassen –, 29 september 2023
Across the globe, people are turning to the courts to combat the worsening climate emergency. Since 2015, cases around the world have doubled to over 2,000, according to a recent United Nations report.
Adjunto reseña y foto de la conferencia titulada ”La Edición Crítica de las Obras Completas de José Martí: el caso de las Escenas Norteamericanas”, impartida por la Doctora en Ciencias Literarias Marlene Vázquez Pérez, Directora del Centro de Estudios Martianos, en la sede de la Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País de La Habana (SEAP) el pasado viernes … Läs mer “25/9 – ACERCA DE LA EDICIÓN CRÍTICA DE LAS OBRAS DE JOSÉ MARTÍ”
Adjunto Nota del Consejo Científico de la Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País (SEAP) con un Resumen de Ias Ideas expuestas en el Taller titulado “LA ESTRUCTURA DEL SISTEMA DEL ESTADO CUBANO PARA UN SOCIALISMO PRÓSPERO Y SOSTENIBLE”, realizado el viernes 8 de septiembre 2023 en la sede de la SEAP. Agradezco su difusión y recibir comentarios. En … Läs mer “20/9 – Cuba: Nota del Consejo Científico de la SEAP”
El Consejo Científico de la Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País (SEAP) organizó el Panel titulado “La estructura del sistema del Estado cubano para un socialismo próspero y sostenible” que tuvo lugar el 8 de septiembre de 2023 en la sede de la nstitución, dirigido por el Dr. Luis A. Montero Cabrera, presidente del Consejo. Cuatro panelistas presentaron … Läs mer “16/9 – La estructura del sistema del Estado cubano para un socialismo próspero y sostenible”
Kynismens triumf i Ukraina av Terje Alnes –, 27 augusti 2023
Krigen i Ukraina kunne ha vært over for lenge siden, men USA har flere ganger satt foten ned for en forhandlingsløsning. Konsekvensen er hundretusenvis av drepte og millioner av fordrevne.
The Global Greenwashing Heist by Thomas Klikauer –, 25 augusti 2023
When promoting greenwashing, corporations and their marketing departments (selling things) as well as their public relations departments (selling the ideology that capitalism is great and what you buy is good) essentially convey false messages. These posts pretend that a corporation or their products are greener, … Läs mer “29/8 – The Global Greenwashing Heist”
Is Industrial Society on the Verge of Collapse? by Michael T. Klare –, 17 augusti 2023
The events of this summer suggest we are already all too close to the edge of the kind of systemic failure experienced so many centuries ago by the Mayans, the ancient Puebloans, and the Viking Greenlanders.
How to Fix Our Food System by Reynard Loki – Independent Media Institute, 19 augusti 2023
No food should be worth the amount of suffering experienced by sentient animals trapped in our food system.
The facts are clear and they are shocking: Factory farming is unhealthy for consumers, dangerous for workers, and devastating for the environment, and … Läs mer “22/8 – How to Fix Our Food System”
What’s Happening in Niger Is Far From a Typical Coup by Vijay Prashad – Globetrotter /, 15 augusti 2023
On July 26, 2023, Niger’s presidential guard moved against the sitting president—Mohamed Bazoum—and conducted a coup d’état. A brief contest among the various armed forces in the country ended with all the branches agreeing to the removal … Läs mer “19/8 – What’s Happening in Niger Is Far From a Typical Coup”
The War in Ukraine Was Provoked—and Why That Matters to Achieve Peace by Jeffrey D. Sachs –, 23 may 2023
By recognizing that the question of NATO enlargement is at the center of this war, we understand why U.S. weaponry will not end this war. Only diplomatic efforts can do that.
The Eco Collapse We Were Warned About Has Begun – by José Seoane – Globetrotter, 21 july 2023
In 2023, different climatic anomalies have been recorded that set new historical records in the tragic progression of climate change at the global level.
The Impact of Plastic on Human Health by Robin Scher – Independent Media Institute, 11 july 2023
We know that plastic is choking the planet. But it could be killing us, too.
In 2019, the European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks published a statement that identified 14 emerging health and environmental issues. Right … Läs mer “14/7 – The Impact of Plastic on Human Health”
Let’s Be Clear, Cluster Bombs are an Escalation by Ron Jacobs –, 10 july 2023
When certain lines are crossed, the nature of other things becomes clearer. Providing cluster bombs to the Ukrainian military is such a rubicon. The pretense that the NATO sponsored forces have some kind of moral high ground in their conflict with … Läs mer “13/7 – Let’s Be Clear, Cluster Bombs are an Escalation”
The Ocean Red Zone by Robert Hunziker –, 30 june 2023
Oceans of the world are in a dangerous red zone that exceeds safe limits for marine and terrestrial life because of excessive heat. Several statements by climate scientists show heightened concerns about how this plays out, as 2023 could be a major inflection point with … Läs mer “3/7 – The Ocean Red Zone”
The framework of our civilization is premised on the destruction of the planet
By Nnimmo Bassey, 29 june 2023
The struggle for environmental justice in Africa is complex and broad. It is the continuation of the fight for the liberation of the continent and for socio-ecological transformation. It is a fact that the environment is our life: The … Läs mer “30/6 – The Struggle for Environmental Justice in Africa”
Segunda cita LUNES, 26 DE JUNIO DE 2023 Repensando el socialismo
Por Fidel Vascós González
La palabra “socialismo” encierra diversas interpretaciones. Entre ellas, la de ser una doctrina económica y socio-política en el terreno teórico; un modo de producción y distribución de productos; la sociedad que sustituirá al capitalismo; la sociedad antesala del comunismo. También se complementa con … Läs mer “28/6 – De Fidel Vascós: REPENSANDO EL SOCIALISMO”
Important progress has been made in ending violence in Yemen for the first time since 2015 when the Saudi Arabia-led coalition invaded the country. However, the eight years of war have created the “world’s worst humanitarian crisis” in the country. Yemen has 4.5 million internally displaced people and more than 80 percent of its total population of more … Läs mer “23/6 – Climate Change Is Intensifying Humanitarian Crisis in War-Affected Yemen”
Planetary Heat is Happening Fast, and Faster by Robert Hunziker –, 19 juni 2023
The evidence is starting to build that all bets are off on predictions that humanity has a decade, or more, of clear sailing before global warming turns vicious enough to run roughshod over climate change deniers and the mean-spirited anti-climate-change Republican Party. … Läs mer “22/6 – Planetary Heat is Happening Fast, and Faster”
According to the latest report of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance (OCHA), “one in five children under [the age of] five in Pakistan suffer from wasting.” The rate of severe acute malnutrition stands at 8 percent and moderate acute malnutrition is 9.7 percent among children under five, states the report.
Kåre Strindberg, medlem i Gröndal-Liljeholmen S-föening, har tillsänt eFOLKET en artikel som handlar kriget i Ukraina, NATO och den US-amerikanske förhandlingsförespråkaren Jeffrey Sachs. Anledningen var att eFOLKET den 30 maj länkat till en artikel författad av Sachs.
Jeffrey Sachs påstås av Strindberg “rycka ut för Kreml” och dessutom vara en förespråkare för den kinesiska regeringen.
Peace for Ukraine Courtesy of China? by y Alfred W. McCoy –, 15 june 2023
All wars do end, usually thanks to a negotiated peace agreement. Consider that a fundamental historical fact, even if it seems to have been forgotten in Brussels, Moscow, and above all, Washington D.C.
Nordkorea som Fiendestat har precis alla element för en saga som krävs i våra media för att mobilisera befolkningen i propagandahysteri: hela landet reduceras till en enda fruktad man, vars djävulska och nyckfulla vilja inte kan tämjas eller förutspås ens av västerländska underrättelsemyndigheter. Han följer inte heller rationalitetens lagar, och verkar finna glädje i att … Läs mer “11/6 – Nordkorea och diplomati: propagandasystemet triumferar ånyo”