The reports through Western presses read rather familiarly. Joyful residents taking selfies on abandoned, sullen tanks. Armed men ebullient and shooting into the sky with adventurist stupidity. The removal of statues and vulgar reminders of a regime. Prisoners freed; torture prisons emptied. The tyrant, deposed.
På SR har nyligen utrikesmagasinet Konflikt haft ett program som summerar Arabiska våren.
Programmet, som är 56 minuter långt, har rubriken “Arabisk vinter”. Det är gjort av Sveriges Radios Mellanösternkorrespondenter Cecilia Uddén och Johan Mathias Sommarström. Det gör enligt min mening en utomordentligt bokslut över den arabiska våren. Rekommenderas verkligen.
Published on Tuesday, October 29, 2019 by Common Dreams
“This is in response to the will and demand of the thousands of Lebanese demanding change,” Saad Hariri said in a televised address.
Jake Johnson, staff writer